Stores have existed and will continue to exist

‘Customer experience’ is currently one of the most important issues in the retail sector. Retail chains, being aware of the impact of a positive or negative ‘customer experience’ on their business, develop tools and methods to support good experiences in subsequent areas. Some brands operating in the Polish market are moving in this direction faster, others slower – this is an individual issue, but this process is treated as a ‘must have’ in the context of dynamic changes that occur in retail environments. Customer-oriented strategies are now the foundation of business in retail trade.

The basis for building an effective brand strategy is now the consistency of communication with the client in the intermingling offline and online worlds, at every stage of a contact. The growing clients’ expectations make retail chains build a holistic, personalized shopping experience, based on the one hand on the knowledge of psychologists-behaviourists and on the other hand on the latest technologies.

The stores are slowly changing their function – they become ‘places for services,’ offering, apart from good quality goods, some added value. In the case of online trade, e.g. convenience, security or speed and in the case of offline trade – pleasure, entertainment or inspiration.

For more see our report “Shopping full of emotions”, http://www.colliers.com/en-pl/poland/research/premium-reports/zakupy-pelne-wrazen-2018